星期五, 10月 26, 2007

Say goodbye to Facebook ^.^

I've escaped from "Facebook" ^.^

I've withdrawn my contribution from Mark, my account was deactivated. ^.^

Facebook !!!

Two weeks ago, I discuss with my friend about Facebook. I've regretted to register the Facebook because there are so many email sending to me! If I reply all of those email, it really waste my time. Moreover, it invaded my privacy. Everyone can read my information, even though I don't know that guys! Someone added me but I really didn't know them!

Do you think it really a good thing for you? My answer is negetive!

At that moment, I've questioned: " Who will get benefit from Facebook? You or me?
My answer is the guy who has created "Facebook"!

I've got the answer today!

"近年大受歡迎及迅速發展的社交網站Facebook,決定出售百分之一點六的股權予美國微軟集團,作價二 億四千萬美元(近十九億港元)。Facebook在三年多前由哈佛大學生楚克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在宿舍構思和創辦,想不到他年僅廿三歲,便成為了億萬富豪。這是繼布林和佩奇成立Google後,科網界的另外一個神話。

I won't use it again! And I will ignore all the email sending by "Facebook"

Does anyone can help me to erase my account from "Facebook"???